EU official accused of supporting Serb secession

by Cristian Florescu

A leaked document ‘suggests that EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi openly colluded with Milorad Dodik in potentially breaking up Bosnia and Herzegovina’, write Al Jazeera

In a letter addressed to European Commission President Ursula von Der Leyen released on Wednesday, members of the European Parliament (MEPs) wrote that a leaked document suggests that EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi “openly colluded [with Dodik] in potentially breaking up Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

“The report notes that Commissioner Varhelyi ‘agreed’ with Mr Dodik regarding the date of a special session of Republika Srpska’s National Assembly and that a 6-month moratorium to pass legislation on the unilateral withdrawal from state institutions would be announced,” the letter said.

Bosnia is currently facing its biggest political and security crisis since the end of the war in December 1995, when the Dayton peace agreement was signed.

The accords divided the country into two semi-autonomous entities – the Bosniak and Croat dominated Federation entity and the Serb-run Republika Srpska entity.

“Commission representatives cannot appear to appease separatist movements in this manner or act beyond their mandate contrary to official EU policy pertaining to the Western Balkan region,” the MEPs’ letter read.

The letter signed by 30 parliamentarians noted that “as a neutral party with considerable influence”, the Commission has a key role in ensuring the Dayton peace agreement is respected on both sides.

It asked von der Leyen whether the Commission considers Varhelyi’s conduct to be in line with his role and with official EU policy towards Bosnia.

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