The government has compiled the results of the national consultation, and they are clear: 97 per cent of Hungarians reject sanctions that would cause severe damage, government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirályi announced.
The EU sanctions imposed on Russia for attacking Ukraine have failed to stop the war, and instead have caused and are continuing to cause Europe extreme economic hardship, she said in a video message posted on the official Facebook page of the Hungarian government on Saturday, thanking the almost 1.4 million people who expressed their views by filling the questionnaires online or by mail.
Hungarians overwhelmingly reject the oil and the planned gas sanctions, as well as the restrictions on nuclear energy, and also say a clear “no” to sanctions that would further increase food prices or put additional burdens on European tourism, Szentkirályi said.
The message of the national consultation is clear: fewer expensive sanctions and more say for the people, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office told public broadcaster Kossuth Radio.