Potrivit DIGI24.RO, Preşedinta Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen, a apreciat că statele membre ale Uniunii…
Christian Democrats in European Parliament call for Ukraine to be given EU candidate status immediately
The faction of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) in the European Parliament has called for…
The Russian Embassy in Athens expressed concern Wednesday about the suspension of bank accounts of Russian…
The leaders of Visegrad Group (V4) and the UK on Tuesday condemned “Russia’s aggression” against Ukraine,…
Secretarul general NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, a condamnat, joi dimineață, ”atacul lipsit de rațiune” lansat de președintele…
NATO condamnă ferm atacul Rusiei. Alianța va suplimenta prezența în țările est-europene
Liderul de la Casa Albă a condamnat vehement atacul Rusiei asupra Ucrainei, informează Mediafax ”Vor exista…
Prime Minister Denis Shmygal expects that the European Commission will give specific dates for Ukraine’s accession to…
The Ukrainian Parliament passed a bill approving a military agreement signed between Ukraine and Turkey, writes dailysabah.com…